The Valley of the Queens, also known as Biban el-Harim in Arabic, is a significant archaeological site located on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor, Egypt. It is situated near the Valley of the Kings and is renowned for being the burial place of many queens, princesses, and other members of the royal families of ancient Egypt. This site, part of the ancient Theban Necropolis in Egypt, shares UNESCO World Heritage status with neighboring sites like the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, and Karnak, a recognition received in 1979. It served as the final resting place for queens and select royal children during the 19th and 20th dynasties of ancient Egypt, spanning from 1292 to 1075 BC. Here are some key points about the Valley of the Queens:

The Valley of the Kings is a famous archaeological site located on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor, Egypt. It is renowned for being the burial place of many pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom period of ancient Egypt, approximately from the 16th to the 11th century BCE. This area is part of the broader Ancient Thebes, along with Luxor, Karnak, and the Valley of the Queens, and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979. The Valley of the Kings continues to be a site of great historical and archaeological importance, shedding light on the beliefs and practices of ancient Egypt. It remains a symbol of the grandeur and mystery of this ancient civilization. Here are some key facts about the Valley of the Kings:

Luxor Temple on the eastern bank of the Nile River, built around 1400 BCE by King Amenhotep III, was completed by Tutankhamen and Horemheb and expanded by Ramses II.

The Khonsu Temple, located in the southwest corner of the Karnak Temple complex in Luxor Governorate, Egypt, is a remarkable archaeological site dedicated to the deity Khonsu, the son of Amun and Mut. This temple stands in confrontation with Luxor Temple and is connected to it by a recently revealed avenue of sphinxes. The Khonsu Temple, constructed during the reign of Ramses III, approximately 1186–1155 BC, was primarily built to honor Khonsu, the moon god and a member of the Theban triad, which includes his parents, Amun and Mut. Ramses III undertook the construction of this temple by demolishing a previous structure that occupied the site, utilizing some of its stones in the new temple’s construction. Here's a detailed overview of the Khonsu Temple:

Karnak Temple was built between 2055 BC and 100 AD. Cult Egyptian temple honoring Amun, Mut, and Khonsu. The largest religious structure ever built.

Interesting Facts about King Tuts Tomb in Valley of Kings, Egypt, which was a UNESCO World Heritage Site from 1979 and is part of Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis.

Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis, including Luxor, Valley of Kings, Valley of Queens, and Karnak, Egypt, were a UNESCO World Heritage Site from 1979 onwards.