The red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus) is a distinctive bird species belonging to the lapwing family, Charadriidae. It is found across a wide geographic range, including South Asia, Southeast Asia, and parts of the Middle East. They are medium-sized birds, measuring around 28 to 33 centimeters (11 to 13 inches) in length. This bird has a striking appearance. It features a combination of black, white, and brown plumage. The head, neck, and breast are black, and there’s a prominent white patch on its belly. The wings are brown with white wingbars. The base of its bill is adorned with bright red fleshy wattles, also known as fleshy lobes. The bright red wattles, or cheek pouches, in front of each of these birds’ eyes have become iconic. Their red bills have black tips. Legs that are long, slender, and yellow carry their bodies. Their wings and back are light brown with a purple to green sheen, while their head, neck, and breast are black. A white patch runs between the black and brown areas, extending from the belly to the tail and flanking the neck. Here’s an overview of this fascinating bird:

The black-hooded oriole (Oriolus xanthornus) is a member of the oriole family of passerine birds and is a permanent resident breeder across tropical southern Asia, spanning from India and Sri Lanka to Indonesia. This bird predominantly inhabits open woodlands and cultivated areas. Their nests are intricately woven into trees and typically contain two eggs. Their diet mainly comprises insects and fruits, with figs being a particular favorite, often found in the treetop canopies where they spend a significant portion of their time. The male black-hooded oriole is visually striking, boasting the typical black and yellow oriole coloration. Its plumage is primarily yellow, featuring a solid black hood as well as black markings on the wings and tail center. In contrast, the female black-hooded oriole is less vibrant, displaying greenish underparts but retaining the distinctive black hood. Juvenile birds resemble the female but possess dark streaks on the underparts, and their hood is not entirely black, particularly on the throat. This black head serves as a clear distinction from the Indian golden oriole, which visits northern India during the summer months. Here are some key details about the black-hooded oriole:

The Indian pond heron, scientifically known as Ardeola grayii, is a petite heron species with origins in the Old World, spanning Africa, Europe, and Asia within the Eastern Hemisphere. These birds breed in regions extending from southern Iran to the Indian subcontinent, Burma, and Sri Lanka. Despite their widespread presence, they can be inconspicuous as they hunt for prey along the edges of small water bodies or roost near human settlements. Indian pond herons exhibit a stocky build with short necks, stout bills, and buff-brown backs. During the breeding season, adults develop long neck feathers, further altering their appearance. They bear a strong resemblance to squacco herons but possess darker backs. In the eastern parts of their range, they are succeeded by Chinese pond herons. Here is an overview of the Indian pond heron:

The Asian Koel belongs to the order of cuckoo birds known as Cuculiformes. Its habitat includes the Indian Subcontinent, China, and Southeast Asia. Taxonomically, it shares a close relationship with black-billed koels and Pacific koels, often regarded as subspecies within the same superspecies. Unlike many of its cuckoo relatives, the Asian koel is a brood parasite, depositing its eggs in the nests of crows and other host birds that care for its offspring. A distinctive feature is their preference for a mostly fruit-based diet during adulthood. The term “koel” is onomatopoeic, with variations in different languages. This bird holds significant symbolism in Indian and Nepali poetry. The Asian Koel, scientifically known as Eudynamys scolopaceus, is a distinctive and fascinating bird species known for its melodious calls and unique behaviors. Here is some information about the Asian Koel:

The great cormorant, scientifically identified as Phalacrocorax carbo, is a prominent aquatic bird belonging to the Phalacrocoracidae family. Known by various names, such as the black shag or kawau in New Zealand, the great black cormorant in the Northern Hemisphere, the black cormorant in Australia, and the large cormorant in India, this species is widely distributed among the seabirds in the cormorant family. The great cormorant is an abundant and widely distributed bird species. Its habitat includes marine environments, estuaries, as well as freshwater lakes and rivers. Northern populations engage in migratory movements, relocating to southern regions during the winter months, provided there is ample fish supply along the coastline. In essence, the great cormorant is a versatile bird species with a substantial presence across diverse geographical regions. Its feeding habits and migratory patterns make it a remarkable subject of study and observation for bird enthusiasts and researchers. Here is an overview of the great cormorant:

The Rose-ringed Parakeet, alternatively known as the ringneck parrot in aviculture or the Kramer parrot, is a medium-sized parrot belonging to the Psittacula genus within the Psittacidae family. Its natural habitat is fragmented, spanning regions in both Africa and the Indian Subcontinent. The rose-ringed parakeet, scientifically known as Psittacula krameri, is a colorful and charismatic bird species known for its vibrant plumage and distinctive ring around its neck. Notably, it has been introduced to various other parts of the world, where feral populations have established themselves, often driven by the exotic pet trade. This parrot species stands out as one of the few that have successfully adapted to disrupted habitats, withstanding the challenges posed by urbanization and deforestation. Due to its popularity as a pet, escaped individuals have formed colonies in numerous cities globally, including regions in Northern and Western Europe. Here is some information about the rose-ringed parakeet:

The Black-rumped Flameback (Dinopium benghalense), also known as the Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker, is a striking and medium-sized woodpecker species found in South Asia and widely distributed in the Indian subcontinent. It measures about 23 to 26 centimeters (approximately 9 to 10 inches) in length, including its tail. Juvenile birds have a more subdued appearance with less distinct red or black markings, which develop as they mature. The adult male Black-rumped Flameback has a striking red crown and nape, which extend from the top of the head to the back of the neck. This red coloring contrasts with its black face, giving it a distinctive appearance. The female lacks the red crown and has a solid black crown. Both males and females have a small white cheek patch bordered by black on the sides of their faces. The upperparts of the black-rumped flameback are predominantly golden-yellow, extending from the upper back to the wings. The mantle, back, and scapulars exhibit this golden-yellow coloration. The wings are mostly black with bold white bars across them. When the bird is in flight, the white wing patches are prominent. Here’s a detailed overview of its description, habitat, behavior, ecology, and taxonomy:

The Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) is one of the most majestic and iconic bird species found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. This large and impressive bird, also called the concave-casqued hornbill, great Indian hornbill, or great pied hornbill, is one of the largest hornbills. It mostly eats fruit, but it will also eat small mammals, reptiles, and birds. It is known to have lived in a zoo for almost 50 years. It is important in many tribal cultures and rituals because of its size and color. They are omnivorous and have a varied diet. Their primary food includes fruits, especially figs, but they also consume small mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, and even carrion. They have a unique feeding habit where they pluck fruits using their large bills and then toss them into the air to catch them with their mouths. Great hornbills are monogamous and usually form long-term pair bonds. They are also known to form small family groups during the breeding season. They are cavity nesters and prefer to nest in large natural tree hollows, often located high up in the canopy. The female seals herself inside the nest cavity during the incubation period, leaving only a small opening through which the male feeds her and the chicks. Here’s an overview of its distribution, habitat, behavior, and ecology:

Brown Headed Gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus) is a medium-sized gull species found primarily in Asia. Here’s a description of the Brown-headed Gull.

The Indian Peafowl, scientifically known as Pavo cristatus, also called the common peafowl or Blue Peafowl, is a magnificent and iconic bird species native to the Indian subcontinent. It is a magnificent bird and the national bird of India. Indian peafowls, also known as peacocks (males) and peahens (females), are a notable avian species characterized by their size and vibrant plumage.
Peafowl are some of the biggest flying birds. Emus, ostriches, and other big birds are bigger than chickens, but they can’t fly. They are among the largest birds in the Phasianidae family, second in size only to the wild turkey. The bluer, or Indian Peacock (Pavo cristatus), which lives in India and Sri Lanka, and the green, or Javanese, peacock (P. muticus), which lives from Myanmar (Burma) to Java, are the two most easily recognizable types of peafowl. The Congo peacock, or Afropavo congensis, was discovered in 1936. It lives in the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. When a single feather was found in 1913, the search for it began. Here is some information about the Indian peafowl:

Asian openbill stork (Anastomus oscitans) is a large wading bird in stork family Ciconiidae, found mainly in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.

Green Bee Eater is now three different kinds of birds. These are the Asian green bee-eater, African green bee-eater, and Arabian green bee-eater.